It sounds like riding a sled running smoothly over snow, the buck and sway and rubber rub sounds of packing the snow into a track. But it's not a sled, instead what drags behind is some heavy bundle wrapped in a few snowsuits (for gliding), bound with wispy yellow rope. Inside, the petty things of living: an ashtray, a pad for phone messages, a printer ink cartridge, and about a thousand other things. It's heavy as hell, and it's being dragged, relentlessly and in different positions, by a figure, bundled tight from the cold and tired. Hand yanked back all the way, hand just over shoulder, two hands behind, rope around waist, each position wearing down a little bit every rotation. The destination isn't known, it's dark in the woods, with an orange glow that keeps every ten feet or so visible, but not much more than that. [MySpace]

[photo started by notto86]
Posted by Dan at April 16, 2007 4:05 AMThat's a pretty guitar. Not sure about the crackling, but I like the insistent drums and the weary vocals.
More imporatntly, though, I'm sure that image isn't from a movie but I want to see the movie anyway.
Posted by tuwa at April 16, 2007 4:25 PMI liked this song. And you are right about the insistent drums tuwa, they pretty much become footsteps by the end of the song; and this combined with the cyclical guitar makes Dan's entry quite fitting.
Posted by (Maryam) at April 16, 2007 8:33 PMWhat I like is the fact that you "Dan" know it's just stupid to put in that dragging sound. It's stupid cool though, that's the thing. The band doesn't even care either I don't think. They are just giving a little guerilla spice to it. Good post.
Posted by Robby at April 19, 2007 1:04 AM