Whenever I take an airplane, it's always a passive aggressive battle with a stranger to win an armrest. There is this secret battle. If I go to the bathroom, I lose my armrest. If he gets up, I win it back. Back and forth until we arrive at the destination. Maybe I should have opened up to the gentleman beside me on the plane this time, who looked like Edward Snowden, and discussed how we could take turns every hour for the armrest to make it fair, or maybe introduce a different system. One where you can bank time. For example, when I watch a movie I don't really need an armrest, so Edward Snowden can use the armrest then, but I can bank that time. But what if Edward wants to watch the new Denzel Washington movie, "The Equalizer" at same time as me? Easy, he can use my shoulder to lean on and we can watch the movie together. I think Edward would like Denzel Washington, his favorite movie genre seemed to be Thriller/Action, but it was hard to tell. Maybe he was just showing off in order to psyche me out, and win back the armrest. His favorite movie genre could be Rom-Com or Comedy/Drama, something heartyfelt like Stepmom(1998) featuring Julia Roberts. We would have to hack into his Netflix recommendations to know for sure.
After several flights, I arrived in my motherland of Japan, slept one night and took off to Thailand. Right now, as I am writing this, I am close to the ocean wearing only underwear which happens to be my older brother's underwear. I accidentally took it back to Canada last time I came to visit. I told this to some of my friends and I was really surprised to hear they have never worn any other persons underwear. I mean it would be weird to go to a thrift store and buy second hand underwear, but I thought everyone had worn a friends or a siblings underwear at least once. It's my brother's washed underwear which i have been wearing on and off for around a year since my last trip, so it didn't feel like a big deal to me. Though, I understand it might be weird to some people because everyone has ticks and things that weird them out. Personally, I hate when a waiter uses the word, "foodgasm" when he describes menu items. For example, "the flavors explodes in your mouth! it's an absolute foodgasm!". It may sound unbelievable, but happened to me once. I just stared at him totally speechless but Maybe he misunderstood I was having a premature foodgasm.
In Thailand the food is amazing, though apparently, it is common to get sick from eating street food or drinking tap water etc. I have been careful, but street food is where it's at. Cheap and delicious. I can't resist. So, after a week of being here, it happened, I got sick. The last two days i've been on the toilet pretty much constantly. More time there than I usually spend checking twitter, instagram, and facebook combined. Now, I bring my ipad to the toilet so I can double-task. I might be grossing you out so I'd better go. (cheap and delicious pun intended)
Posted by Mitz at March 4, 2015 11:16 AMIf I have the aisle or window seat in a row of three seats, I always give one of my arm rests to the person in the middle seat, since the middle seat is a miserable spot.
Posted by Kurt at March 4, 2015 2:56 PMPeople's random ramblings put me in a good mood. Thanks.
Posted by Madalina at March 4, 2015 6:38 PM