Cains & Abels - "Run Run Run (demo)".
You found a payphone. The quarter was already in your hand. You pushed inside and the payphone's door swung back and hit you square between the shoulder-blades. The asphalt was lit up like a football pitch. You slipped your coin into the machine and dialed, and the receiver's cord lay braided at your chest. The ringing was the sound a gentle animal makes. You closed your eyes and listened. A click crackled down the line. A voice crackled down the line. It said: "Hello?"
Your eyes were still closed. "It's me," you said. You found you were smiling.
Cars came and went, as you spoke. Headlights passed over in long arcs. A man and his dog loped across the tarmac. The man seemed weary. You changed your telephone hand, closed your eyes, tried to hear every burred detail of the voice in the wire.
When the conversation had ended, you replaced the receiver. You took the sapphire from the coin return. You pushed back past the phone-booth's swinging doors and into the open air. It was warm. The stars would soon come out. You loped across the tarmac. The sapphire was still in your hand. You got to your Toyota and dropped into the front seat. You leaned your head back and remembered things. You wiped your eyes with your sleeve and reached over to the glove-box, punched it open, threw that sapphire in there with the others. There were many sapphires. [buy previous albums/cains & abels on a short tour now: chicago, bloomington, akron, pittsburgh, philadelphia, brooklyn]
(image source unknown)
Posted by Sean at March 18, 2010 12:57 PMYou have to tell me where you got this image!
Posted by Lindy Lou at March 18, 2010 11:22 PMjust really beautiful.
Posted by camille at March 19, 2010 12:03 AMyes, please tell me: who painted this?
Posted by julia at March 28, 2010 1:28 AMI'm also curious about the image, if you have any information about it.
Posted by kilt the cat at March 31, 2010 11:59 PMAs indicated at the bottom of the post, I haven't been able to trace the image. Please let us know if anyone manages to!
Posted by Sean at April 1, 2010 12:58 AMThe winsome "girl with a pearl earring" enters the 21st century in this photoshopped composite; the head is, of course, the image in the painting by 17th century Dutch master Johannes Vermeer. No idea who cleverly updated her, though.
Posted by Pat at April 7, 2010 2:32 PM