Bob Wiseman - "Born To Love You"
This song is a straight line, perhaps a phoneline, through an unknown part of town. It's like there used to be a regular, kind of played, song about love with lines like "I was born to love you" and a melody that's cool but not amazing. But then, after it was recorded, there was too much real love infused into the song, too much sincerity and open-eyed truth, that it electronically exploded inside its 1:40-skin. It's shaking with vitality. Plus there's a great video that goes with it (simple, also a straight line), but apparently Much Music won't (haven't) play(ed) it.
Hear we here the best example of Bob Wiseman's style and charm. It's the super-honest, songs-are-my-diary style of music done so perfectly that it proves this style can work, and be fantastic. Not only is he wearing his heart on his sleeve, he's also a wearing a shirt that says "my heart is on my sleeve". At first listen, it might appear like this is a "joke song", but as I've said before, it's when upon second and third listen when you can reach past the joke and feel the back of a head, a nervously bouncing knee, a real mouth with a real tongue, then you know you've come the right way: you were right to take the time.
[Buy It's True and his other albums or visit his site]
Posted by Dan at August 29, 2005 4:42 AM