Uranium Club - "The Collector"
Minneapolis's Uranium Club have ants in their pants. I imagine them writing this song in a tight basement room on the hottest day of the year, playing it over and over until they're collapsing. Their roughshod debut record Human Exploration must be fueled by caffeine, cheap beer, insomnia, and thrift store shirts. Boil those things down to their essence you get some fast, fucked-up garage rock that sounds nothing like Destroy-Oh-Boy!! or Blood Visions or Primary Colours, but carries the same live wire of pure undiluted electricity as those pocket masterpieces.
(image: Jeff Wall, "Band & crowd")
Thanks for posting this Jeff. I liked it. In fact, I often enjoy your posts, even though I rarely comment. Thank you.
Posted by Maryam at May 3, 2016 11:14 PMThanks for listening Maryam! I'm so glad you've been enjoying the posts!
Posted by Jeff