Modern Baseball - "Two Good Things". The water park's a strange thing: land of fizz and spray, whoop and play, powered by metric tonnes of heavy sloshing water. The park's engineers don't spend their time thinking about slip and yay - they're concerned with pressure, velocity, the limb-cracking capacities of massive steel tanks. With concrete slabs, not spritzing fountains. And Modern Baseball are the same way, I suspect: despite the cheering chords, the singers' low emo doo-wop, this ain't careless rock. This is cared-for, deliberate, each of its victories calculated to the quarter-inch. [bandcamp]
Hey, I loved your post on the catacombs of Paris. My wife and I are going to be traveling to Paris in July and we would love to find a local cataphile to take us into the real deal. Any advice on who we could contact? We're cool and solid and we're of course willing to pay for any assistance. Any help or direction would be much appreciated.
Posted by Joe Braunwarth at May 26, 2014 2:14 AM