Sun in Sound - "Up North". Jordan and his writing partner Joel once made a project called America, where Joel told a long, winding tale about men, pipes, and things I don't remember. (I wasn't there. I saw the film. It was a long time ago.) While Joel talked, Jordan brought him out plate after plate of delicious, rich food. They ate the food with gusto - plate after plate, beef and chicken and cherries and spices. They also drank whole bottles of wine. By the end of the story, both were close to vomiting. America was in its way a comment on something - but it was also simply very funny. "Up North" reminds me of this. Sun in Sound's Norwegian singer, who idolises Roy Orbison, sings in a way that seems at the verge of illness. Heartbreak, maybe, but I think seasickness more likely. The song is beautiful, but the whole track seems vaguely seasick, brine swimming in the mix beneath all those cherries & spices, the longing saw & the festive organ. "Up North" skirts the edge of brilliance by also skirting the edge of too much-ness. It'll either make you feel nauseous, or utterly smitten. [MySpace]
Danny Zabbal, our friend (and the designer of one of Gramophone's headers), has relaunched his website and also announced the debut of a weekly webcomic. We are delighted. (We also strongly recommend that you scroll down to discover Insomnia Man.)
Lit Pop is a terrific new literary competition launched by Matrix Magazine and the Pop Montreal festival. Emerging Canadian writers can submit poetry and short fiction for the chance to win publication and a trip to Montreal for the festival (including airfare, accommodation, spending money and a VIP pass). It's a great prize and a great opportunity, especially for people who have struggled a bit with the country's sometimes-stodgy lit scene. Hope some of you will enter. (Deadline is July 15)
Montrealers - besides this weekend's shows, I would invite you to explore and participate in the Montreal 60 Minute Film Festival, an event I'm helping to coordinate here. 60 second films by 60 filmmakers, of every level of expertise. It's going to be wonderful.
[photo source unknown]
Posted by Sean at July 10, 2008 11:15 AMnow that I've read that, when I listen to this song I can feel my stomach swaying along with it. it's awesome, in a gross kind of way
Posted by Bethan at July 10, 2008 1:27 PMThis is so weird. I really didn't like Up North until I realised where I kind of knew it from already - it sounds like that Johnnie Taylor song you posted a while back, Rome (Wasn't Built In A Day), stretched slow like taffy, or made into one of those sliding jigsaw puzzles where there's a square missing.
And now I love it.
Posted by Ryan at July 10, 2008 2:46 PMGreat track. Took me a while to get accustomed to this guys voice.
Posted by Rus Yusupov at July 11, 2008 1:01 PMthat's a cool picture
Posted by matthew at July 13, 2008 2:11 PMDiamonds is the best band I've heard all year!
Posted by anon at July 25, 2008 6:44 AM