Small Sins - "What Your Baby's Been Doing"

This song ought to be the theme for an old mystery show. Bodies falling out of closets, over bridges, into laps. Candles being blown out, mysterious sunglasses rounding a corner, and shocked old housemaids. Horses leaping in fright, a fat man counting a pile of cash, and thugs, jugs, and drugs. All sandwiched around the hero, a meek librarian, a mouse of a man, with little glasses and a sweater vest. He's no socialite, no charmer, no hero, but he knows justice, and he's got an eye for clues. So all the old creepy dukes, all the jealous ex-lovers, the disgruntled pool boys, the chain-smoking widows, the egyptian industrialists, and Texas oilmen better watch out, 'cause Francis Milk is right behind you, ready to show you what's right under your nose: the truth. It's playing at 2AM and you and the cat are watching it, both of you under a blanket, and both of you happy as clams.
My review of The 11th Hour is up on The Movie Binge.
Posted by Dan at September 17, 2007 2:49 AM