The Antlers - "I Don't Want Love". It's as if the Antlers decided love is a bird collection, a cage full of bluebirds, sparrows, finches, macaws, and then wrote a song about this decision. Peter Silberman sings in high falsetto, both sides of a couple, both sides standing beside the cage and saying, No. But then I don't really think this song is about love, despite its title. It's about something else, gorgeous and seductive, less worthy. It too can be a bird collection. It is wise, in my experience, to stand beside this cage and refuse. If only it always came with such a beautiful, stirring soundtrack. [buy]
Wynter Gordon - "Buy My Love". This clapping blitzing Junetime pop song is the opposite of & comeback to the Beatles' "Can't Buy Me Love". Because Wynter is almost unequivocal: You can buy my love. Don't you hesitate to buy my love. The only hesitation comes in the middle eight, almost at the very end, but I don't buy that line for a second. Wynter's heart is full of empty jewellery boxes, bare fingers; it's a lootbag waiting for prizes. [buy]
Proud of my cover story on Spencer Krug, Moonface, for this week's Hour. You can download the album highlight, "Fast Peter", at Coke Machine Glow.
(drawing by marvelous matt forsythe)
Posted by Sean at August 4, 2011 11:31 AMHow can something that sounds like a Twentyteens splicing of Coldplay and U2 sound so damn gorgeous?
There's trickery afoot here. Lovely, lovely trickery.
Posted by Ryan at August 4, 2011 11:45 AM