M.I.A. - "Paper Planes". FORGET IT'S SUMMER. Just forget it. THERE IS NO SUMMER. Summer's done. Come 2010 we'll only have one season anyway: THE HOT SEASON. So let's start early. Starting now, in 2007, l'été est passé. We'll just act like it's this all the time. Like it's awesome all the time. Like you can eat ice-cream and dance in shorts-and-t-shirt all year round.* In the once-words of my good friend Dave: FUN TIMES FOREVER. And the sky will crisscross with sparkling jet-planes, and M.I.A. will be playing on the roof of the YMCA, just her and a sampler and a girl with a bass drum. And I'll learn to play electric guitar so I can learn to play this song - a high, keening guitar-line, lazy-crazy, useless for anything except "Paper Planes", but the only part you can learn. Because the sing-along chorus is literally impossible to sing along to: it's machine-gun pow and cash register kaching, and yet still the summer's second anthem, the best thing since ella-ella-ella. Sorry Dan: if "Paper Planes" is "filler" then it's like the cotton batten that fills yr favourite doll, the sap in the greening tree, the high-fives that make it worth getting up in the morning.
Hear M.I.A.'s KCRW recording of "Paper Planes" via Gorilla vs Bear - you can hear the way she's already singing it different, romping all through it, finding new swing-sets hidden in the pop-song's nooks and crannies.
* - I guess in some places you can ice-cream and dance all year round. But it's more fun if it's in Montreal.
[pre-order Kala, which is, unexpectedly, totally amazing]
Fleetwood Mac - "Walk A Thin Line". Jordan calls it The Summer of Fleetwood Mac's Rumours, but as I say in the comments to that post - for me 'twas the spring of Rumours and 'tis now the summer FUN TIMES FOREVER of Tusk. I do not know what this says about my life other than the need for a harpsichord in it, and my love of wooly mammoths.
On "Walk A Thin Line", Lindsey Buckingham sings in that mode which Fleetwood Mac perfected: a jubilant sorrow, a melancholy joy, an addicting lament. There's a dozen voices there with him, glad and ruined, talking about fate, want & wonder, all as the beat clomps on & on, at once trudge and soar. And with some of the most magnificent drums I have ever heard on a song, the wisest drums I can remember, the stumble &: smile of a man as goes to hug his unrequited love: oh heart, beat on, foolish and dear, oh oh & oh no & yes.
Apparently Buckingham blamed Tusk's commercial "failure" (only 4 million sold!) on home taping. If you're reading this Lindsey, I hope that you warm a little bit to Said the Gramophone.
Join me at this Friday's Bollywood Bike-In at Montreal's McAuslan Brewery. Cheap beer, projected films, and DJs under the stars.
It's been a few days of birthday! A verily and merrily, then, to Matt Perpetua, Andrew Rose, and Dan Zabbal.
[mammoth drawing by Christina McSherry]
Posted by Sean at August 6, 2007 7:46 AMClose that strike tag!
Posted by G00blar at August 6, 2007 10:07 AMYikes. Thanks for that -- for some reason it was showing fine on my browsers at home and at work.
So: What sayest we?
Posted by Sean at August 6, 2007 10:12 AMThis is super-do0per, what is it she's sampling, though? I recognise it for sures.
Posted by Jasper at August 6, 2007 11:37 AMWhat...no mention of how totally BLEAK the lyrics are to this M.I.A. song? It's been killing me for days, those bone-dry mercenary values set to such a sad, lazy pop song. I love it, but it makes me cry.
And you are right..."Tusk" SLAYS "Rumours". I've been listening the shit out of "I Know I'm Not Wrong" all summer.
Posted by Bob at August 6, 2007 12:07 PMAh, Straight to Hell by The Clash.
Posted by Jasper at August 6, 2007 12:26 PMHooray for The Mac! "Glad and ruined" sounds exactly right for Tusk.
I'd sort of written off MIA after never again listening to Arular after the first run-thru. But yeah, my mind is changing.
Also: hi.
Posted by Amy at August 6, 2007 8:00 PMSean,
I'm so glad to see that you are basking in the light of the mac, especially Tusk.
I too, wasn't that interested in MIA but your glowing words convinced me to give it a listen, and I like it!
Posted by jay at August 7, 2007 12:55 AMEdible Arrangements: not a pun!
Posted by Andrew Rose at August 7, 2007 12:40 PMWow, Lindsey Buckingham sounds shockingly like Jack White (or ... other way around I suppose) on this track.
Posted by Cameron G at August 7, 2007 4:08 PMAlthough I wasn't sure at first, I think I like the MIA song. The bangs and chinging noise are growing on me.
Posted by Alta at August 7, 2007 4:08 PMGod, Tusk is amazing. That drumming is insane. They should take every music school, Rush-loving douchebag and make them listen to Mick on "What Makes You Think You're The One". I could talk about the Mac all day long. Sigh.
Posted by Lucas Jensen at August 7, 2007 5:19 PMWow. What a funny combo of the Clash's Straight to Hell (god I love that song- it gives me the chills!) and a sinister reworking of the chorus from Wrecks-n-Effect's Rump Shaker- "All I wanna do is a zooma zoom zoom zoom and a boom boom, just shake your rump!" I think I like it.
Posted by marin at August 11, 2007 3:22 PM