Extra Happy Ghost!!! - "Filler (Minor Threat cover)". You can do extraordinary things with math. You can make a one-sided loop, turn a triangle inside-out, flex a hexagon. You can pour a large cylinder into a small pyramid. It's this pouring that interests me here, listening to Extra Happy Ghost's cover of Minor Threat. Minor Threat made a track that sounds like a solid cliff face, something to scale; a song that's frenetic, shouted, dizzy. Extra Happy Ghost somehow poured that material into a container that is unrecognizable. It is not dizzy, shouted or frenetic. It does not sound like a solid cliff face. Extra Happy Ghost's "Filler" is like swimming in a lake. It is like the breast-stroke through weeds. It is a melting pop song, or perhaps a pop song that has already melted. But both versions are persistent. They will not be dissuaded. They know they do not agree with what has happened and they will not stop shaking their heads, burning books, snapping crucifixes. [get the Hippie Depression 7"]
The extraordinary Emma Healey, editor of the Incongruous Quarterly and past contributor to Said the Gramophone, has written a book of poems. I truly cannot wait to read it. She will be launching the wonder of a thing at Montreal's WWTWO gallery, this Thursday October 25. Emma is reading and Michael Chaulk is reading and I am reading too. PS I Love You's Paul Saulnier will be manning the DJ decks. It's due to start between 7pm and 8. Maybe see you there.
(image source; it's the work of Alex Box)