Megapuss - "A Gun on his Hip and a Rose on his Chest". "Beautiful, Devendra, beautiful! You're a doll, a jaguar, a wild-man. Yes! More of that! Show me the beast in you, the animal. Show me the spirit of natur-- no please put down the microwave. No, that belongs to catering. Please put it down. It isn't part of the shoot, no. No you can't balance it on your head. Devendra, please! Come back to the bonfire. Please stop using the microwave as a hat. No-- Harvey, could you? Before he-- Devendra, we have champagne for you if you want - the Mike's Hard Lemonade is for the interns. Okay. Okay great. So into the camera - you're a freak! a beautiful folky freak! yes! ye-- I don't know what season of 30 Rock it is. You can watch it when the shoot is over. No, I won't-- Devendra, darling, please! Please take off the Chicago Blackhawks jersey." [buy]
Silent Years - "Vampires Bite The Hands Feed Them". "What a serene and peaceful place. What a fine place for a holiday. I will just sit here, rest my feet and gaze at that mountain. Oh, that mountain would be a fine one to climb. And so would the smaller one beside it, dusted in snow. And look at that range on the right - those look like fine adventures too. And the forest leading up to them - are they redwoods? firs? There's nothing better than ten days in the woods. That lake! The trout must be big as whales. Or maybe there are even whales, at the mouth of the bay! Fishing, swimming, surfing, harpooning. Let me put on my shoes! Look at that sky! I could ride those clouds! Don't tear the calendar until I've returned!" [MySpace/buy]
(photo by Miranda July)
Posted by Sean at August 10, 2009 2:07 PMmegapuss song is stupid. this is not music. its bad words for novelty, set to "i love candy." Homophobic and infantile.
Posted by um... at August 15, 2009 12:29 PMI disagree. The Megapuss song is awesome. It's bad words for novelty, set to "I love candy." Infantile and AWESOME.
Posted by Ben at August 21, 2009 3:03 PMThis song is a protest song, and it's fun and hilarious. How could you say that it's homophobic when they say "Fuck homophobes in the asshole" ?
Posted by Jesse at February 25, 2011 12:51 PM