Sam Cooke - "You Send Me (demo version)". (Is that you there? Are you reading? Is that you? Well listen in: this is how it would be.) We would be in love and it would be summer. And I would be doing the dishes and singing this song, in this way, with the shush of the water running over my hands. You would be in the other room, reading. And I would be listening to you as you turned the pages of your book & through the open window I would be listening to the wind as it turned the leaves in the trees. And we would be in love, did I mention that? And it would be warm, love. Our apartment would be summer-warm. And listen (shh, listen) the plants would be watered, all of them, every soft & single one. [buy]
Retribution Gospel Choir - "What She Turned Into". Mark Kozelek produced this record for Alan Sparhawk (Low), Matt Livingston and Eric Pollard. That means that he strode into the recording booth and turned the amps up. He turned them right up. He slapped Sparhawk across the face, tore Livingston's shirt and punched a hole in Pollard's tom. He glowered at them. Then he went back to the mixing desk and set the thing on fire. "Play," he said over the crackles. "Play me a pop song." It was going to rain that night, hard. [buy/preorder]
Lovers of The Wire: this is an outstanding interview with David Simon, if you missed it.
"You know, that puddle should have its own blog."
One of my favourite writers in all the net, Ftrain's Paul Ford, has written six-word reviews of mp3s by all 763 bands playing at this year's SXSW. It's admirable more for its ambition than for its insight, I think. Favourite writeups: Brooklyn, Canada, Cary Brothers, The Clutters, Deadbeat Poets, Elizabeth Wills, Faceless Werewolves (lol), Kalashnikov, Kate Walsh, Ladyfinger/Ladyfingers, Neptune, Sybris, Wisely, WIZ KHALIFA, The Basia Bulat one strikes me as peculiar (but I think Basia would be delighted).
May I also just say that I went to see Snailhouse last night, with band, and man oh man was that shit hot. Loud and luminescent. The new record is great & the show was all lit up, and kind. Will be writing about Lies on the Prize when I'm allowed to.
[photo by lala ladcani]
Posted by Sean at March 13, 2008 9:09 AMThat first description brought tears to my eyes, and I'm at work so I haven't even listened to the song yet. Lordy.
Posted by last year's girl at March 13, 2008 9:50 AMGreat post. Great songs. Speaking of the wire, did you read this: http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1719872,00.html?
Posted by Adam at March 13, 2008 11:15 AMYou have successfully pushed all the sap buttons in my hard, hard heart.
Posted by contrary_wise at March 13, 2008 12:26 PMKnee-bucklin'
Posted by kathleen at March 13, 2008 5:56 PMThanks so much for the Sam Cooke.
Posted by Phoenix at March 13, 2008 10:49 PMSmashing post - the imagery is romantic on so many levels.
Oh my God (can't bring myself to write OMG), Paul Ford had me chortling intensely in cubeland. It was all I could do to keep from bursting out with belly laughs and having my colleagues wondering what the hell.
Posted by Kevin at March 14, 2008 4:00 AMi've always loved this song, but i've heard it as "darling you thrill me." never heard this version before, but it's like hearing a cover of a song you love and hoping it doesn't suck or ruin it in some way, and then it just blows your expectations out of the water. so great. helio sequence's cover of elliott smith's "satellite" did that for me, too.
oh man, marry me?
you don't have to answer right away.
did you ever think of writing poetry?
you are amazing at wrapping up your thoughts/feelings in this colorful, sparkling wrapping paper of words...
Those six word reviews are awesome. I couldn't make it through all of them, though...
Posted by J at March 19, 2008 12:48 PM