The Soundcarriers - "Entropicalia". Takes a few seconds, sometimes, to work out if something is being done or if it being undone. Your eyes or ears take these moments to adjust: to work out the order in the shapes & lines, the clatter & motorik. Then you see: this is doing, not undoing. This is assemblage, erection. This is weaving and growth. You listen to "Entropicalia" - its Neu-like swagger, its Stereolab shimmer, its Broadcast shine - and you hear the accumulation of rhythm, chords, voices, harmony. A luscious gathering, loose and tight. Galloping movement, rising temperature, soaring melody. And then the gradual realization: it is not always a choice between doing and its opposite. Sometimes assemblage is collapse, growth is destruction. Sometimes, entropic, everything gets hotter & wilder & freer until finally it's ruined.
[buy / with thanks to David Belbin]
(image by scott listfield)
Posted by Sean at January 19, 2015 10:37 AM