Shotgun Jimmie - "Big Sur".
Shotgun Jimmie - "Growing Like a Garden".
Two songs that add up to 2 minutes 45 seconds. Certain songs are like telegrams; no room for pussyfooting. THEY SAY IT RIGHT STRAIGHT STOP. Jimmie's best songs are like hunks of amethyst lobbed at your head. <clunk> The lyrics are handsome straight-shooters - yeah, telegrams, I already said that. He is less muddled than me. He is of purer vision, more suited to: sunsets, riding into. Better at knock-knock jokes and ping-pong. While the lyrics come across the wire, in the hands of a delivery-man, the surrounding music is a conduit, a superconductor, a delivery system. Sugar for the medicine, decorated with rosettes and winks. [Buy]
Elsewhere: Stream Young Galaxy's splendid fourth album, Ultramarine.
Posted by Sean at April 15, 2013 11:15 AMthe photo?
Posted by P. at April 16, 2013 2:07 AMSent to me. Google Image Search is inconclusive about the source. Sorry!
Posted by Sean at April 16, 2013 10:14 AMno worries, it's so beautifully bizarre
Posted by P. at April 18, 2013 2:54 PM