This beach is so crowded! There's towels on every inch of sand, umbrellas covering every bit of sky, it's like this shoulder-to-shoulder tented towel-floored indoor pool. People are stepping on corn dogs and sharing candy apples, and only one person applied suntan lotion, but it's rubbed onto everyone else by now. There's 80 different stereos playing 80 different songs, but when this song comes on one of them, all the others turn their stations to this one. As it builds and bursts, the crowd begins to swell and sway and jive and break. The beach gives way, the bottom falls out, and everyone's left swimming, holding their shoes and their wallets over their head, grinning. [Buy]
Casiotone For The Painfully Alone - "It's A Crime"
In anticipation of the new CFTPA album Vs. Children, here's a song from a split 7" in 2007. In the mystery world this song inhabits, it was actually originally written for Frank Sinatra, as a "traditional", that he could whip out at any given time. When the night was getting late, the glow of his stardom had worn off and people were looking into their ice for the words to follow along. When couples started sharing traffic looks and the wait staff stood at the back of the room with their arms crossed. He would take this one out, and break every heart in the room and remind them what they paid their money for, what they do anything for, why they don't need their coats or their cars or their kids or their computers 'cause they made it this far goddamnit and come the rain or the winds they'll kill whoever it is that's trying to close the door to tomorrow.
[Advance Base Battery Life, a singles and rarities compilation (which, if you haven't heard this stuff, makes an incredible collection) comes out March 10th, but until then, you can buy the soundtrack (as an EP called Town Topic) to a very intriguing film called Stay The Same Never Change which, having only seen the trailer and read a bit about the filmmaker, seems like Matthew Barney meets Harmony Korine, which I think I might love.]
Posted by Dan at February 3, 2009 1:30 AMwow, thanks so much for the casiotone throwback. great stuff.
Posted by nikita|gale at February 3, 2009 12:14 PMI love Casiotone. I never would have heard of them if it weren't for this blog!
I'm writing a blog about blogs for my day job (www.soundstreams.ca) and will mention this to our subsribers.
I love Town Topic ep. I had no idea it was a soundtrack... Though it makes a lot of sense after hearing that. I, too, must also see this film when it becomes available!
Posted by mindy at February 4, 2009 12:35 AM