Vampire Weekend - "I Think Ur A Contra". You could tell me there is still snow on the mountaintop. You could say the birds were all jays. You could say, "Sean, there is a place in San Francisco where the street is pressed with seashells." Dear one, you could whisper such dreams in my ears; you could sketch symbols on postcards and chalk secrets on the cement. We could lay together, wishing, joined in fingertip. You could tilt your head toward mine, and your mouth, up. You could smile like so and shake like this and close & open those big small eyes. You could murmur, "Mmhm." And you know, I'd rest there softly, and I'd listen, and I'd be sheltered. But I think maybe I think maybe I think I maybe I too would be lying, love. [buy]
Oberhofer - "Away FRM U". It's funny you should say that Cynthia because Misty was actually my first hawk. She's the only one I didn't raise from birth. Yup straight from the egg - isn't that right Rusty? But not Misty. What's that? Oh, six years. Before that I was a superintendent. At a school, yes. Junior high-school. Oh, it's a funny story. Last day of school before the summer. I had just had my heart broken something awful. Aw, thanks Cynthia. She worked at the school. Ms Elly Anderson. Yup. She hurt me something awful. The hallways were grey and the lights were fluorescent and all these kids were so happy because it was the last day. And I didn't get out til after sundown. Everything felt dead, my feelings all straw, and who should come flying but Misty here. She crested the school and then dove down right in front of me. Stopped on the sidewalk. Stood there. I said, "Here girl". And she came. And I said, "Rip my heart right out of my fucking chest, girl." And she didn't, no ma'am. I been chasing her since. [MySpace]
Posted by Sean at February 8, 2010 1:02 AMSpeaking as someone who has never liked Vampire Weekend...
that song is beautiful.
Posted by Sarah at February 8, 2010 10:14 PMThat animated dog means business.
Posted by Brendan at February 8, 2010 11:04 PMWhat is this? I don't understand what you wrote here.
Posted by mikeH at February 9, 2010 2:45 PMso beautifully captured something so true and so sad. i think it's perfect.
Posted by Rebecca at February 10, 2010 1:17 PMthe embellishments encountered an overdraft in the imagination account. it's so sad when it happens.
mille mercis
Posted by p at February 10, 2010 10:02 PM