Continued from last week's post
So this song was written because when the members met, they misheard "Oh my genitals" instead of "I'm a janitor."
Here, in Canada, there is a bank called, CIBC. I don't know how long but how childish it is, (Im'm guessing) since I came to Canda, I often throw in "I see I be see" into small talks with friends. Most of the times, I say it fast and see if people catch it but barely people notice it. But it's totally fine with me. It's small simple pleasure I enjoy like clean fresh bed sheets. No one really need to know. It's my own thing I do in my head. Not "my own prison" by Creed.
So last a couple of years. I've been trying new one. I added new line. and also whenever people talk about job, or mortgage or whatever grown-ups talk about, I even ask them questions like "which bank do you use?" and they answer blah blah and I say quickly not too loud, "Oh I see I be see. I was just chekcing account." I get such a thrill saying it and wait til if they notice or not. It's such a thrill, I feel alive like "with arms wide open" by Creed video. the end.
Posted by Mitz at August 19, 2015 7:00 PM