I went through a lot of phases as a kid. The first was a dinosaur-phase in which I thought every single rock I found at the park was a fossil and brought lots of "fossils" home. After a while my mom made me bring all my precious scientific discoveries back to the park. I was a little upset because I knew that other kids would discover them and then they would be the ones in the newspaper with headlines like "Local boy discovers oldest fossils in the park by the swing. A lot of them!" but I listened to my mom.
After that it was my turtle-phase. I got a little turtle and shortly after my mom read a headline that said something like "Local boy got sick! Really, really sick from the germs of his pet turtle." So she said we should let him go back to his natural habitat. "He would be much happier with his turtle friends and fish friends," she said. I said "I think he seems happier alone. I think he likes being alone. He is an outsider artist turtle or maybe he is a goth turtle." I didn't actually say that but I wish I did. So the time came to let him go. I was sad but it was for the best. We went to the pond near by, which had a lot of turtles already. There were some other kids there fishing with their dads. I didn't want them to catch my turtle so I took a couple of steps back and threw my turtle as hard as I could like an AAA pitcher's last chance to get into the Major League, with his scouts watching, bases loaded at the bottom of the ninth inning, but I was a little kid who had bad pitching form even though I played lots of baseball like all Japanese boys. I threw him and he hit the water like a skipping stone. He skipped three times and disappeared. I hope he is ok.
Last was the UFO-phase, I think I was 11 or so. I was obsessed by UFOs and aliens. I wanted to believe. I slept by my window looking at the stars at night. My home was in a northern outskirt of Osaka, by the mountains, so some days I could see the stars pretty clearly. Once, I saw a shooting star and was convinced that I would be abducted by aliens and they would do surgery on my head to put in implants to monitor me from far away. I was scared so I tucked in my covers like a sleeping bag and held on to my headboard. But then I realized they could just abduct my bed too so I gave up on that. I also knew, from watching UFO documentaries, that they could erase the memory of the abduction itself. I figured maybe I was already abducted. I thought, I need to tell my parents, my brothers, and teacher, but wait, if I tell them, the implant in my brain might trigger an alarm on the UFO that is based behind the moon and they would strike earth with a really thick laser that would kill mankind immediately, all because of me. So, I didn't say anything, to save mankind. It was a mission, and I kept it secret until now. Now I think it is probably ok. It's been over 22 years so the implant's battery is most likely dead. The end.
You're funny. And the song is good. Again.
Posted by Madalina at February 19, 2015 10:24 AMI had the same fossil phase, truly I did. I led an excavation in the schoolyard. Then I brought home the giant fossil so that we could donate it to the national museum of nature. My parents kept putting off the phonecall to the museum. Then one day I realized the fossil wasn't on the front porch any more. "Where did the fossil go?" I asked my parents. They said they didn't know.
Posted by Sean at February 19, 2015 11:15 AMOh man, me too! I mean there was the train phase and the spider phase, but then came the fossil stage. My most radical discovery was a fossil down on the beach that was long and also bendy and also hollow in three circles through the middle, which must have been where the veins went, although that didn't explain the writing on the outside and if they only just let me get to the library I was going to be so. damn. famous.
That afternoon my parents had to explain how you could make a phone call to America by laying cables along the floor of the ocean.
Posted by Ryan at February 19, 2015 1:43 PMThanks! Madalina!
Sean, haha I think someone stole it and sold it at underground market:(
Posted by mitz at February 19, 2015 5:55 PM@Ryan, haha nice!!
Posted by mitz at February 19, 2015 7:23 PMI have been coming to STG for the music (and the photography), but I now really enjoy your writing as well. Glad you've come on board.
Posted by RPS at March 6, 2015 2:59 PM