Taken By Trees - "Too Young". Peter Bjorn & John's "Young Folks" is still a song that makes me dance every time I hear it; and because of the joy "Young Folks" engenders, I can't now hear Victoria Bergsman's voice without some part of me unfolding. "Too Young" is far away from PB&J, and not even in line with the sleepy pop of Bergsman's former band, The Concretes. She sings sadly, haltingly, with just the barest of drum snaps. Organ and hum suggests just the earliest, silvering dawn light. And it's a song about growing up, a song where the unsteeled try to steel themselves, a longing for your parents as you once had them. Its second half is recounted entirely without words: stumbling piano, chattering shaker, sensing bones in arms and hope bred deep. It's a compelling mirror to Arcade Fire's coming-of-age anthems: none of their desperation and all of their want.

Damian Weber - "Rickshaw". I can't quite make out what Damian Weber is saying. His lyrics are like nuts I find in a bowl and put in my mouth without looking at, without knowing what they are, and I feel their brown taste on my tongue, curves and corners, and when I chew & swallow I smell fall leaves burning. He whistles like a man on the road but plays guitar like a man who's stopped travelling. Folk music that's sugar taffy, a giant trout, a single cloud in a cornflower sky.
[MySpace (thanks Tawrin)]
If anyone hasn't heard, McSweeney's is in troubling financial straits and everything they sell is on sale. You could buy me pretty much anything they sell, or if you're buying for youself, perhaps you have not yet read my interview with Will Sheff? For all the reasons there are to criticise Dave Eggers' publishing empire, I think that what they do is amazing, amazing, and strongly encourage you to help them out.
Posted by Sean at June 14, 2007 12:26 PMWhat are the reasons to criticize Dave Eggers' publishing empire?
I like that Taken by Trees track a lot.
Posted by tuwa at June 15, 2007 5:08 AMI'd second that motion to spend lots of money at McSweeney's, even if you're not in the US and have put my money where my mouth is. The postage rates to the UK are not cheap, but the low dollar compensates for that and the subscriptions are on sale, so it should work out cheaper than buying each issue on Amazon, which is what I've been doing up to now. Looking forward to Dean Young's latest collection from them too.
Posted by Dave Belbin at June 15, 2007 9:27 AMEggers and co are so amazing....so so so amazing....
Posted by Katharine at June 15, 2007 10:01 AMtaken by trees, pretty good, pretty f'in good for a slow friday
Posted by the constant skeptic at June 15, 2007 4:52 PMI checked out the believer for the first time earlier today before reading this post but didn't buy anything, but I've gone for 3 back issues now!
Posted by mike at June 15, 2007 6:58 PMUh oh, now I feel bad. A couple months ago I got a letter from McSweeney's asking me to relinquish the lifetime subscription I bought for something like $100 back in the late 90s. Fuck that, I thought: I bought low and saw my investment pay off (and I've made some terrible investments!). Didn't realize they were in trouble. I will do the right thing, of course. (I'm one of those people with quibbles, but you're right--the Eggers empire is mostly great.)
Posted by Amy at June 15, 2007 8:50 PM