by Sean
Please note: MP3s are only kept online for a short time, and if this entry is from more than a couple of weeks ago, the music probably won't be available to download any more.

OMBRE - "Sense". Some things you do not have time to greet. They have already happened. They are already happening. This song stumbles and then begins and you do not know what you are hearing until it is already just sounding, sounding out, crackling, flawed and pretty, natural and fake, a crest that crests and vanishes. A voice like the light in stained glass, a high note, easy-listening on the marble floor when you are wrecked and dying, or newly saved. And then it's autumn. Some things you do not have time to greet. The happiest day of your life will sneak up on you. It will already be happening. [buy / via No Words' Best Folk of 2012]
(animated image by Matthew DiVito)
Posted by Sean at January 3, 2013 9:37 PMComments