Young Galaxy - "Queen Drum". Forest fires, earthquakes, electrical storms, tidal waves, meteor strikes, airplane crashes, solar flares, rising seas, iceberg smashes, building collapses, the day she picked up the phone and called.
Young Galaxy - "Light Years". And it's so late at night, so early at morning & you hold your lover in your arms, feel him sleeping. He has weight, he has breath. You are awake. You breathe together in the sheets. And what you think is this: At our edges, there is a line. There is a black line that separates me from you. We are not one. // There are faint sounds in the street, wind and alley-cats. The city lays on & on. /// You lie on your side with your lover in your arms. You think: There is an unencroachable distance between you and I. // One morning, you will brush his face; he will kiss your forehead; but still you are separate. You are trapped in your bodies, unable to remember each-other's yeses. You are unable to see into each-others' dreams. In the space between you, whole seasons pass by.
Young Galaxy's second album is a record of vastnesses and details, first glances and dying stars. It is astronomical. It is craning, adamant pop music. There are no jams: this is precise. Songs that can fill rooms utterly, shake them with big melody; but also these small & perfect gestures - the strings that appear at 4:20 in "Light Years", opening like a night garden. Produced by Tony Doogan (Mogwai), independently released. Buy it here.
[info/mp3/MySpace -- Young Galaxy play Ottawa, Toronto and Montreal on Sept 9, 10 and 11.]
Posted by Sean at August 31, 2009 12:00 PM