I bought a hurlabyte of space. external with 20F connections and WizzSpin transfer rates. I want to make my relationships with strangers LOSSLESS. I want to be able to go over every look, every turned away shoulder, every hurried step, every half-smile and over-tired grimace, every slight encouragement or hands-off attitude, at the end of the day, and really study it. I want to keep them all, in full resolution, no compression, for posterity. I think the electricity of my life deserves that much, to be remembered in high quality. Then when I finally meet the stranger of my dreams, I'll have a record, in perfect condition, that I've been storing up, that I can shoot straight at them, right out of my life into their chest, and see if they stand up to it. Particle beam dream. We can't get any higher.

Magic comes in waves, like nausea or dizziness. Driving or walking home or trying to fall asleep, or late on the phone when it's sticky against your face, your concentration goes blurry, the drone gets quiet so you turn up your ears to hear it louder, and suddenly the thundering smash slides in and magic takes over. Your eyes glow blue and some feeling like rage or excitement or hunger takes over and awareness slumps crippled below the horizon. You're blowing shit up, zapping shit, lasers come out your fingers and running just feels like floating, you can get hit by a car or fall down stairs and none of it hurts. I shudder to lessen the romantic notion, but it's like being drunk. But it actually is how you think it is and not how it actually is. Which is unmatchable.
[I posted "Tas-T" back in 2006, but decided upon re-reading that I did not do this song justice then, and am re-introducing it]
[Buy JEFF stuff from Infinity Cat]
Posted by Dan at May 13, 2009 12:28 AMy'all are batshit crazy. but maybe you're onto something. JEFF the Bhood are genius.
Posted by Sarah at May 13, 2009 3:51 AMThe Brotherhood is the most exciting band outta Nashville right now. Love 'em. Love your reviews too.
Posted by closest to the sun at May 14, 2009 10:11 PMJust saw JEFF The Brotherhood for the first time because of you Dan. Thenkyou. Got two new 7"s, a shirt and a night full of nonstop manic dancing with strangers!
Posted by uh huh at May 15, 2009 1:54 AMuh huh: that's amazing. full success.
Posted by Dan at May 15, 2009 2:53 PMThe Orrall boys are the exploding bomb bomb bomb.
They are the best live. look out, here they come. boom!