It is with a heavy heart and a tail between my legs that I return to post about MGMT. Last time, I wasn't very favourable, though I liked the song; I never post anything I don't have some affinity for, be it perverse or not. However, a certain MGMT champion, named Jeff, emailed me 15 months after that post, with a last-ditch letter trying to get me to listen to "the real MGMT", the one that the band could have been, had they followed earlier directions. And, rigidly biased as I was (the comments on the original post made me like the band even less) this song eventually broke me. Just tonight, right about the time you were falling asleep, I sloughed off a kind of tension in a similar way, I was lulled into the world of this song, and I liked it. There's a purple sky with stars in it, like outer space but purple. There's ships that fly on old green screens (like the opening credits to Bizarre) and most likable of all, the citizens don't seem like they're trying really hard to get laid. The chorus glides off a precipice like an underwater cliff, and off into that purple beyond. It's nice. [you can't buy this, but buy other stuff]
It sounds like the band is following Justine down the street, or maybe this song just follows Justine around, getting mysteriously into the heads of the people she passes like a cloud of perfume. It gets all confused, and kind of trips on itself clumsily as it looks around for an ending by process of elimination, but its dressed-up charm is unfazed and it stoops and steps backward out the door, bowing the whole time.
I can't find any further information about him online.
Posted by Dan at May 14, 2007 2:59 AM