Miracle Fortress - "Raw Spectacle (Pantha du Prince remix)". Graham van Pelt's wish and longing overtaken by knock and clap. Pantha du Price's beats consist of huge structures, galleries bounded with bridge and cupola, an architecture of white marble and faded copper. The city becomes much bigger than the wanting at its centre; there are lone towers, canals which do not meet. I do not know how long a man has been standing on the wall, looking east. I only noticed him this morning. But lines are appearing, like cracks in the ice, upon his face. [Was I The Wave? is released tomorrow / He's celebrating by playing an in-store at Montreal's Phonopolis]
Sun In Sound - "Such A Let Down". Norway's Sun In Sound follow-up the outstanding "Up North", and like that song, "Such A Let Down" will make you feel either nauseous or smitten. It is like chewing too long on a raspberry, staring at a bee-sting, listening to the Flaming Lips too loud. If there are any lessons in this song, they are about avoiding nooses, slipping on mud. My sleeves are so tight I sometimes forget I have hands. [more]
I think Dan's back this week, after two weeks away; but I wanted to extend thanks and admiration to Chandler Levack (1 2) and Emma Healey (1 2), who were filling-in in his absence. It was a pleasure reading their writing (and hearing their songs). I'm actually about to go on holiday too, but it's a more familiar face - Said the Gramophone's reclusive Jordan Himelfarb - who will be picking up the slack. Please leave feedback for our visiting scribes!
Gizmodo republished my long investigative piece from Brick 85, concerning a secret society and the Paris catacombs.
Adam & the Amethysts have released a new video for "Prophecy", a song I posted here last month. A song that recalls Brian Wilson, the Unicorns, "Auld Lang Syne", Macbeth. Drumsticks and acoustic guitar, pinned by whoops, hooks like arrows fired at the clouds. The video's got good times, bad hair, skateboards and a VHS flicker.
Posted by Sean at April 25, 2011 11:11 AMDefinitely smitten - its like Prince going at the same speed of those 1000fps vids you get of bullets going through different kinds of fruit. Smitten all over.
Posted by Ryan at April 25, 2011 5:31 PMSean--
Thanks for the great post. Love the Sun in Sound post and the description thereof.
Mr. Nicholas
Free Sushi Podcast
This is my first visit here. I got a tip from one of the guys in Sun in Sound. Great blog.
The SiS song is pretty cool, and I look forward to forthcoming material. The Grapevine speaks of more to come.
Posted by Krakelen at April 28, 2011 7:32 AM