Bankrobber - "Soon". When you woke up you couldn't remember if you had sent the email or not. Had you sent it? HAD YOU SENT IT?! Then you checked: You had sent it. There was nothing to do now but wait and see what happened. You felt like you had just planted ten seeds, waiting to see if they'd sprout. You felt like a voter slipping a ballot into a ballot box. Outside the window, all the clouds seemed to be colluding. Your neighbour had erected a weathervane on his front lawn; it was spinning. A dog strolled by, acting like the king of the world. You sat on your couch and thought, Well I know for sure this couch is soft. You laughed at yourself. When I am counting the things I know I start with the softness of the couch. You checked your computer to see if he had answered. He had not. You went out onto your front step, where the photographers were waiting. Flashbulbs popped. Someone approached you, deferential, pinning to your chest this country's greatest cultural honour. It glimmered in the cloudy light. Are you sure you had woken up? You didn't want a fucking medal but you couldn't tell them that. You couldn't tell them that you just wanted to rush away from all the hoopla and check again if he had answered. Then the world ended.
[Bankrobber make wild, whirly music. They are not much internetted but you can friend them on Facebook or find more here]
Posted by Sean at September 3, 2012 10:15 PMI've always enjoyed your writing and I think I've posted a couple times, but thought I'd post again - this is one of many of your very inspired musical choices. It's nice to finally see Bankrobber blogged about, I only caught the band once about a year ago playing in a record store, but I am big into their sound. Cheers!
Posted by Ritzer at September 7, 2012 10:31 AM