Take a knee, Rod, said the Champ. Do you want to be a pro, one day?
Yessir, said Rod.
Well listen, Rod. It takes more than dreams to be a pro. It takes more than practice and hard work. It takes discipline, Rod. It takes a strict regime.
A regime?
You gotta eat right, Rod. You gotta eat right. Ever seen one of these before?
This is a jukebox, explained the Champ. It plays records.
I eat one of these every day, Rod. Every single morning, with my cereal and juice.
Yep, I eat it just like that.
Charli XCX - "Nuclear Seasons".
I wish Lady Gaga's music sounded like this. I wish she was at once a 9-year-old girl and a 95-year-old crone, a liliputian and a giant, a ten-mile glacier and a kitschy grass skirt. I wish you could make a synthesiser by gathering the right gemstones, that microphones could be read like books, that angst was something you could fold, like origami, to look like different dipping birds. [website]
(photograph is of FRAMED by Anton Burdakov - source)
Posted by Sean at November 7, 2011 8:11 AM