The Luyas - "Lady Stardust (David Bowie cover)". The Luyas find Lady Stardust in a very different club. The drinks are ice cold. The posters on the wall are melting. There is still a disco ball, slowly spinning, and grass is growing on the dance floor, and Marc Bolan is in the green room, dozing. We are somewhere on the coast of France and the open entrance leads out onto the beach, where black waves softly crash. If you want you can stand near the door and you will hear both the music and the surf, overlapping, or else you can stand near the bar and hear only the clink of glasses, the shout of conversation, a different mingling.
[We are delighted to be premiering this dreaming David Bowie cover, part of Paper Bag Records' free new Ziggy Stardust comp. A dozen reinterpretations of the Thin White Duke, by artists including Young Galaxy, Yamantaka//Sonic Titan, PS I Love You, Born Ruffians and Austra w CFCF.
All of this is because Paper Bag is turning 10; if you live in Toronto you should buy tickets for this week's marvellous #PBR10 concerts, featuring most of the label's current acts.
Pre-order the Luyas' glittering new album, Animator. (Previously.)]
Posted by Sean at September 24, 2012 12:07 PM