The Luyas - "Dumb Blood". I'm all mixed up, Jessie Stein sings, and without distress. It's a state of the union address. It's like showing us the palms of her hands. This is how she is. And meanwhile I'm in my apartment on Parc Avenue and I stick my head out the window into the rainfall and I see her walking in her blue dress, soaked from the storm, hair dripping & lifting & curling. And I want to tell her hi, yeah, I see you. Hey there. And I want to tell her to step onto the cloud she's made, the little one floating beside her, and to go sailing into the gale. In spite of her dumb blood. In spite of all that's wrong and all the crash and want and blow and oh. Her friends are playing her pain with drums and french horn, the kids from Torngat and Bell Orchestre, but they'll trace her gladnesses too. This is the suggestion I'd make, the kindness I'd offer for a song as marvelous as this. I'd try to offer a trade: some hope in exchange for this great glowing ache.
[buy / MySpace. Faker Death is like Les Mouches, but further from death & closer to heartbreak.]
Sandro Perri - "Family Tree". I should not have to tell you anything but this: Sandro Perri's debut album is available for pre-order. I have written about music from both of his earlier EPs, but now there is something called Tiny Mirrors and boys, girls, lovers, fighters: his music's the summerest thing that this summer will bring. They're chilled-out songs - cool, smooth, silvergold, - but performed in a room with some of Toronto's finest improvisational musicians. Free and easy listening. Perri's sings in his mossy voice of trouble & its resolve; he kicks his kick-drum; and around him there's trombone, cymbal, a narcoleptic keyboard. A song for the passing of days, or seasons, or the passing from one time-of-life to another. Of searching for the things you've already laid eyes on.
On the final track they remake "Family Tree" as an instrumental, Perri not even in the room, all its stuffing laid bare. (And this you will have to buy.)
Tuwa's appeared at the Tofu Hut, to tell a beautiful lie about Betty Davis.
Posted by Sean at August 15, 2007 6:30 AMhej hej,
how'd you come up with the moomin picture? two of those also sit around on our kitchen table ever since we got them for easter while visiting friends in finland... so what a great surprise it was when I checked your blog today and this pic popped up!
anyway, thanks for all the brilliant music,
this is my favourite blog and i read it every day
Posted by richard at August 15, 2007 8:11 PMMay I ask where that Perri mp3 came from? Do you have an advance? It must be wonderful, judging from this and "The Drums".
Posted by Ryan at August 16, 2007 9:27 AMarnulf: I like Moomins, and windows, and it felt like the right thing. But the photo's not of my house.
richard: thank you!
Ryan: Yes, I was sent the CD. As I say in the post, it's really marvelous. I highly recommend you go for the pre-order.
Posted by Sean at August 16, 2007 10:21 AMI was going to write about the same song from Tiny Mirrors Sean, though the rework of Double Suicide is rather fine. It's an excellent album.
Posted by shane at August 16, 2007 10:37 AMI'm a LIAR!
Such a strange and wonderful Sandro Perri song you've found.
Posted by tuwa at August 16, 2007 1:11 PMSean, i read your posts not only to listen to some new great tunes i've not heard of yet, but also just to read your compositions. they read like little excerpts from novels and i do very much enjoy your wee "stories." imaginative and surreal.
are you sad i've not sent you more cds in the mail lately? i know how much you look forward to those awful yellow envelopes filling your mailbox ;)
thanks for the luyas.
Posted by Camille at August 16, 2007 5:16 PMThe lyrics in "Dumb Blood" are very relatable, I like that she sings quietly, it makes you become more attentive to the other aspects in the song.
Posted by Susanna at August 17, 2007 8:58 PMmade an AMV from the sandro perri song you recommended.
Posted by cox1356 at August 24, 2007 3:00 PMWonderful music. Thank you. I pre-ordered the Sando Perri album as you suggested.
Posted by Dan at August 28, 2007 7:14 AMNice work on 'The Luyas'
ahead of the curve and all that jazz.
anyway, we've got a nice little piece up over at www.cutandpasteandtwist.com
if it tickles your fancy.
keep up the good times.
Posted by D.D. Banful at November 5, 2007 1:16 PM