Ryan Driver - "When Were You In Mexico?". He and Antonia had stood in the doorway and kissed. The mistletoe hung over their heads, gently conspicuous. They kissed & they kissed. In the living-room window, the stars were turning on a disc. The Christmas tree was plugged-in and blinking. He and Antonia kissed, peppery from gingersnaps. She was long and he was tall and their hands were the same size. // It was six years later when he stood in the same doorway, opening the same box of plastic mistletoe, and remembered this moment. Clara was in the next room, wrapping presents. Their hands had been the same size. [buy / thanks, Nathan]
the1shanti - "I ♥ Olivia Munn". In Nathan Laskar's quest to produce a record for Olivia Munn (I am not familiar, but Google tells me she is talented), he has done a wise thing: he has made a killer track. It's not an ode to Munn - he only mentions her in the hook, nervously - it's instead a show of bravado, skills, of rhyme & dance & tip-of-tongue. No flattery, just backflips; the tang of novelty-rap, sure, but the1shanti evokes the mincemeat chaw of MF Doom, or even MIA's elastic flow. When he tells the story of the Bean, his little clone, it's as if he knows he's getting distracted, knows he's digressing, yet it doesn't matter. He's having too much fun. He'll wriggle through the seaweed, gather nonsense, "put everything I ever want in the chorus". He'll make her fall for him. [website/open-source hip-hop]
Posted by Sean at December 24, 2009 12:45 PM