Look Vibrant - "Plateau". Face-melting. Face-melting like drooping popsicle face. Like aging willow-tree face. Like Ark of the Covenant dance party. Face-melting like when the sun came out last night, across Montreal's Plateau Mont-Royal, just before dusk. Face-melting like the sour happy terror of remembering your love for a friend, your love for a kitty-cat, your love of clamouring city-soaked daylight. If you fall off your bike your head could crack open. Why do you live in a noisy place like this? Why do you live amid all these roaring cars? Why not move to the country, to the placid brookside easy-life? Why do you sit here and let your face melt, over and over again? What's the allure of the crucible, the metro station, the intersection, the concert-hall, the crowd? Do you see more colours, here? Do you really see more colours? Hello? Can you hear me? Can you even hear me? HELLO CAN YOU EVEN
[Look Vibrant released a cassingle.]
Posted by Sean at May 27, 2013 12:43 PMThis is why I love STG.
A song I may not have enjoyed by itself but for the amazing words that you provide. Words that click as the song plays (or is it the song that clicks as I read?). It is images and emotions shared from writer to reader with a soundtrack.
Thank you.
Posted by michael at May 27, 2013 5:27 PMYes, yes, yes. I second everything said above. I'm so happy I found this place here.
Posted by Caroline at May 30, 2013 1:42 PM