Numbered in Blood
by Dan
Please note: MP3s are only kept online for a short time, and if this entry is from more than a couple of weeks ago, the music probably won't be available to download any more.
Parenthetical Girls - "The Pornographer"
A body like a walled castle; sturdy with a one-way quality. Semi-permeable. Membranous. Valved. Clutching, fanged, a dripping snug. Orificially strictured. In short, a trap.
Parenthetical Girls - "YOUNG THROATS"
Do not invoke the stars in fiction. Do not invoke the stars in poetry. Do not invoke the stars in writing, words cannot represent the stars. The stars can only be seen, naked of everything, cameras, scopes, treetops, the backs of necks. Naked even of eyes.
[Privilege Pt. I featured last year]
[Pre-order Privilege Pt. III a 5-part vinyl release from PG, so far incredible and so special. And yes, literally numbered in the blood of a band member]
Posted by Dan at March 15, 2011 8:43 PMComments