Bear In Heaven - "Lovesick Teenagers".
Bear In Heaven - "Dust Cloud".
Beast Rest Forth Mouth is an album of bled bytes, vomitted pixels, tears of pure #@&am(p;*xE%. Synths stream like paint from a spraygun, stars from Zeus's cock, the mantra from a monk's mouth. Drums like immutable physical laws; the facts which dictate everything else. Just songs, but when you turn them up loud - from wide speakers, big headphones - these songs occupy space. You can rest your head against them, feel them flutter against your eyes. And in the slew of "Dust Cloud", time unspooling, gravity wronging, you sense the way the Big Bang was a lot like someone taking someone else's hand; like an electron said hey and set her head against that neutron's sloped shoulder.
[Bear In Heaven's magnificent second album is out next week - buy]
Pop Montreal 2009, highlights of the highlights: Fever Ray, Sister Suvi, Daredevil Christopher Wright, Young Galaxy, Tune-Yards, Vincent Moon, the Oh Sees, Francois Virot and Carl Spidla. My favourite festival ever; the highlights above were wonders and gems. Hope some of you shared them. More later, perhaps.
Posted by Sean at October 5, 2009 1:20 PM