Harmony Trowbridge - "Covers Up (demo)". A song about appearances and disappearances, the kind that come between blinks of heavy eyes. And it's sung in a red wine voice, with afternoon in the curtains, last night's dishes gathering moths. Harmony's sorrow still has some wonder in it; she so clearly remembers the coming, the arrival, the beginning when the door clicked shut. It's hard, lying here, to understand the leaving. To look past yr shadow, fainting toward the exit, and see the consequences of what came next. [Harmony's MySpace]
Roommate - "Night (Rhombus cover)". If we rolled credits here, the credits would be a simple font, white on black, all-caps with just the slightest serif curls, like Spring had begun to flower (which it has), like today had begun to tomorrow (which it has), like our lovers all sing in birdsong (which they do), like our whistles are small hymns (which they are), like a gathering of friends, all singing together, is equal to a climax, is all you need in a life to make it a story, to make it have mattered & rung, rung, rung. [buy]
Posted by Sean at April 22, 2008 11:58 AM