John Vanderslice - "C&O Canal". A comely, demure elixir. Elided flukes - lilting, rippling, fetching. A billet-doux to a former dalliance, to her vestiges (to the denouement, to the whole ineffable imbruglio). Vanderslice gambols, with tintinnabulous vibraphone and ebullient percussion, offers a mellifluous lagniappe to an erstwhile ingenue (now nemesis). They could have been dwelling in a riparian bungalow, by a burbling lagoon, aestivating under wafting skies - with glasses of susurrous, effervescent soda, luxuriant with languor and lassitude. But no: their romance is beleaguered, a desuetude. And so this song is an efflorescence, a sumptuous offing of the ephemeral a&d halcyon. An epiphany, maybe. Becoming, becoming, becoming (and still forebearing). [buy / these are 44 of the 100 most beautiful words in English]
From - "Maple Drive". From takes her pleasant little song and strikes it through with cacophony - a racket of synthetic horns. They are distracting as hell, but not in a bad way. They're like the montgolfiers that draw your eyes up from the street, a dozen wheezing & whirring & bulbous hot-air balloons, and when finally you lower your gaze to the pavement you're smitten with the wondrous surface world - the fruit-stands, trees, barbecues, mail-men, glass. [buy/MySpace]