I might have Reverse Seasonal Affective Disorder. Or I might not get along with heat waves.
Everything romantic happens in the Fall. Nothing romantic, and I mean romantic, happens any other time.
My car won't start. That is because God is fed the fuck up.
Self-righteousness is the breakfast food I am addicted to. Every morning, without fail, even sometimes at night.
Hail lines up in an eaves trough single file. I put a bucket at the spout and shoot balls at the neighbour's, taking my one chance a year.
I listened to this song, and my behaviour really changed. I think the guitar was like stomping my grumpy side to death.
I give up coffee.
[I just followed Sean's advice and downloaded this amazing record. Yes, he still knows cool well before I do.]
Fiery Furnaces - "Teach Me Sweetheart / Evergreen / Bitter Tea (Reprise)"
I was highly sceptical of Remember when I first heard it. But, just like it always happens with them, I gave it a full listen, and I was able to find my own favourites, as if they were waiting for me. This is the last three tracks on disc 1, and a better representation of a great live FF show I haven't heard. It's huge, it's perfect, it's completely functional. Like a jumbo jet covered in long brown mammoth fur. Woah, that flies? Yes, we'll be flying in it today. Awesome. [pre-order]
Posted by Dan at July 11, 2008 1:46 PM