Her Royal Harness - "Mercenary Man". Forgive my summer lassitude; too much happening these days. Sometimes the sunsets feel like quickly-clicking closings, calendar days streaming, a life that's galloping over dunes. Things are getting away from you but you hope they're headed to a handsome place, somewhere inherently orderly, and not that everything's going to shit. Her Royal Harness's "Mercenary Man" seems pertinent here: charging, bloody, moderately complex. There's something mechanical in the shape of the beat, but the singing is emotive and flushed. It's demanding. Keyboard blips keep it from being too martial, gregorian synths provide a cave-like depth. It's either in the process of a triumph or it's quickly, quickly headed for defeat. [buy]
Montrealers: In 2008, me and a gang of friends founded a tiny, silly movie festival. Almost six years later, M60: the Montreal 60 Second Film Festival has become what is perhaps Canada's largest community film festival. Join us at one of our four 2013 screenings - Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday this week. 96 one-minute films, by Montrealers of all shapes and sizes, for just $8.
Posted by Sean at September 16, 2013 11:48 AM