Suuns and Jerusalem In My Heart - "2amoutu I7tirakan". This music so full of movement: down, or up, or forward; or moving but staying in place, atop an advancing floor. Perhaps I will imagine it as a rearing skyscraper, a tower that rises up from breakwater, past sand into air, widening and narrowing, windows and balconies, razorwired parapets, an ascendant empire forever. Or else as a person falling - plunging down through black air, ever and ever, doomed or flying. No no: a machine, an engine, running on water. A heart pumping with fuel. A crane pushing its frame through clouds. A synthesizer's blinking light, on and on, as the earth spins on axis. Together, Montreal's Suuns and Montreal's Jerusalem In My Heart have conspired to describe a kind of motion, like a physicist and his formula. Kinetics rendered in gleaming groove, repeated beat. Perhaps it is not the sound of movement but a sound for movement, the soundtrack for whatever your body is about to do. [buy]