I turned my family's home into a laboratory. I say my family's because they really own it, not me. I paid for it, I worked for it, but I don't really own it. That is, I didn't really own it until now. I cleared out all the furniture, I took down all the pictures, removed all the fixtures. The only thing that stayed was the plumbing and the foundation. I covered all the walls in white tile, even the ceiling, and every few feet there's a drain. I can make tests in completely sterile settings. I test viscosity and fecundity, velocity and perk. I'm a man of very few rules, but the rules that exist are hard and fast. And I had become lazy in enforcing them, a traitor to myself. So now the kids can make their lunches on the tile counter, the food stored on the colder parts of the floor, and we can all get along a bit better. I can never go back to how it was. [Buy]
(photo by meredith)
Oh, the deadline for the Wonderful Video Contest is in 11 days! So finish editing, wrap shooting, or get goshdarned started! because this is it! the one!
Posted by Dan at January 25, 2008 3:17 AM