The Jellies - "Jive Baby On A Saturday Night (Original)" [Buy]
Once upon a time, I was biking and I had a really really close call. To be honest, I'm guilty of being lazy and not wearing helmet from my house to my work. I know it's really dumb. I always should wear helmet. I often just get up, put my clothes on, brush my teeth while pooping, grab my bike and leave my house in about 3 minutes. I've been too lazy to grab my bike helmet and put it on...so stupid.
On that day, I wore a helmet and I knew I should everyday. Right by my studio, a bird poo landed on my bike frame between my legs. I was confused and another bird poo landed on my head. I didn't even want to imagine what would have happened if I wasn't wearing my helmet. It was a really really close call. I learned a lesson.
ps. joking aside, everyone, let's wear helmets!
Posted by Mitz at June 17, 2015 8:32 PM