We find here Part Two of the collaboration between artist Kit Malo and musician Alden Penner, formerly of The Unicorns. For Part One - and an introduction to the material, - click here.
Of the four pieces submitted by Kit and Alden, "Opening Door" is the one that most makes me stammer. I listen to its thirty-one seconds of sounds (fingers on guitarstrings, fingers on bass strings), stare into Kit's drawing, and find oh such a promise: that what's cherished can last forever, that what's together can also be separate, that gentleness can be love, that doors will keep opening.
Oh my words are so clumsy, late at night. Forget me: look, listen.
Thank you Alden. Thank you Kit. -- Sean

[Kit Malo lives in Montreal. You can see more work at lambs among wolves. Some of Kit's work is currently on display, hanging on strings, f-f-f-floating, at Calgary's international arts festival, Mutton Busting. (look!)]
[Alden Penner lives in Montreal. He will be releasing the music from The Hamster Cage later this year. He will be playing some shows soon with a violinist called Adam. The first show is in Philadelphia on March 13th, at the First Unitarian Church. More dates to be announced. If you would like to write to Alden, please do: c.p. 61025, 4401 Notre-Dame Ouest, Montreal, Quebec, H4C 3N9.]
(Previous guest-blogs, in and out of the Said the Guests series: artist Rachell Sumpter, artist Katy Horan, David Barclay (The Diskettes), artist Drew Heffron, Carl Wilson, artist Tim Moore, Michael Nau (Page France), Devin Davis, Will Sheff (Okkervil River), Edward Droste (Grizzly Bear), Hello Saferide, Damon Krukowski (Damon & Naomi), Brian Michael Roff, Howard Bilerman (producer: Silver Mt. Zion, Arcade Fire, etc.). There are many more to come.)
Posted by Sean at February 2, 2006 3:00 AMohhh!!!! i was having such a cranky day, but i swear this has cheered me up. the drawings/music totally remind me of being a kid somehow.
wicked and tubular. seriously.
Posted by roberta at February 2, 2006 12:17 PMThese drawings are fantastic.. anyway to order prints or anything?
Posted by bethany at February 2, 2006 12:51 PMhurrah kit and alden! lovely, great, inspiring.
And thanks Said the Gramophone guys, you are great too, I wanted you to know.
Gentle, hidden hope emerges from Kit's mystical drawings melded together with the clear, whimsical sounds of Alden's music. An oasis... thanks...
Posted by Dana at February 2, 2006 7:50 PMKit's art is awesome! Whimsical and turbular! Kit and Alden have READ MY MIND! This was exactly what I needed. Like a good sandwich accompanied by pickles and OLIVES!
I wish I could see this work in person!
Awesome, thanks!
This is an olive!
Posted by Jessica at February 2, 2006 9:03 PMsuperb! check out the link to the calgary show, too! kit and i have the same birthday. way to go, you two. mmwah!
Posted by robbie at February 12, 2006 11:49 PM