Doppelbanger - "In Love". Storytellers, lovers and madmen all assign meaning to meaningless events. The sight of a wedge of swans, the count of petals on a daisy, the apparent ubiquity of a certain word or number. Sometimes you are ascribing thoughts to a pet, or sorting through a bowl of Skittles, or interpreting a text-message, and the line between reason and insanity feels very thin indeed. Do these things with flush cheeks, or under a ticking clock, and the distinction becomes even less clear. Doppelbanger's cover of the Raincoats' "In Love" has all the dart and sag of tired, loony love. Bratty and doomed, hysterical and moping, a skipping record of meaning-making, meaning-losing;, shuffling cards that fly fumbling from your fingers. [bandcamp]