Please note: MP3s are only kept online for a short time, and if this entry is from more than a couple of weeks ago, the music probably won't be available to download any more.

Bishop Allen - "Tiger, Tiger". My Faith tells me that my soul does not like my body. It has been fighting inside me, like a bug in a balloon, all my life. In fact, it's this fighting that has made me grow. I feed the fire twice a day, I hydrate the combatants, and it's this pressure applied on the outer surface of my body that has grown me into the man I am. It's put wrinkles on my face from the strain, it's given me laugh lines because it can tickle, and the disagreement is often funny, and it has drawn out long silences in my days. I understand that my soul wishes to be free, I understand that it doesn't want to be here, or at least not under these terms, and yet I keep it chained. And when a pigeon is hit by a car, or a thousand chickens are made into burgers, my soul gets jealous, angry. My Faith is incredible, I love it, because all of life is being pulled in two directions; pulled apart until your soul can show through, right at the seam, be seen, like steam, but not escape. [
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Adrian Orange & Her Band - "Window (Mirror) Shadow". In defense of an album I didn't know existed until now. In deference to the power of a negative review on Pitchfork, I guess I had no reason to know it existed. It got a 3.8, the lower-numbered reviews being hilariously specific, and it's fair and it's unfair and who cares. I'm posting this because it's
trees, isn't it? It's completely
trees, rainforest trees, heavy wood and light-coloured trunks, but powerful hulking
trees. The trees walk with elephant feet, the elephants dance with brick-footed bounce. I'm lost in the heat of it, the heat of breath-sweating trees. [
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(thanks, Moss!)
Posted by Dan at March 17, 2009 11:35 AM