Shitty Magic
by Dan
Please note: MP3s are only kept online for a short time, and if this entry is from more than a couple of weeks ago, the music probably won't be available to download any more.
The Slits - "Shoplifting"
Group Inerane - "Tchigefen"
This is not the time of "us". Each creature lives upon a timeline, extended unseen from their chest jutting forward in the direction of their movements. At each point on the timeline, there is a signature, as a human culture we use a dateline, but in actuality the imprint is much more detailed. Unhappy, rich, hungry, in love but unnoticed, guilty, unborn, pleasing to the eye. On a constantly changing timeline, you can be standing in front of someone, having met another person in this world, and sense keenly but with no evidence, our keys have matched at different points, they do not match now, good bye.
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