Slaraffenland - "Postcard". A song as a postcard, with pummeled drums, choral whoop, flute and trombone. I have never managed to include trombones with a postcard. They do not stay fastened. To deliver a fanfare, a wake-up call, I am forced to send a messenger. And it's a funny thing; every time I tried to send you a fanfare, a wake-up call, you were never there. RETURN TO SENDER, the messenger explained. So I have realised something. The people I want to try fanfares to - they're already gone. [buy]
Christopher Smith - "White Knuckle (instrumented)". It's too cold to close the window. It is frozen; it will not close. I stand shivering in the white quadrangle of light and there is no wind, no push of air through the gap. The air is perfectly still. Winter is standing in the room with me. It sees me clearer than I see it. [Christopher Smith has only ever played one show outside Vancouver / Only 100 copies of Keepsake exist / buy]
Pop Montreal day two! Fever Ray tonight! Follow my v sporadic updates on Twitter.
Posted by Sean at October 1, 2009 9:45 AMOk - they're danish like I am, which means I'm supposed to endorse them like mad. We danes MUST publicly praise any band/artist/whatever, that rises to even moderate fame outside the borders of our nation of a measly 5 million people.
Slaraffenland annoys the bejeezus out of me.
There, I said it.
Excellent song. I'd never been on the Home Tapes website before. There's some really interesting stuff on there.
Posted by Dan at October 2, 2009 4:45 AM