Molly Sweeney - "Florida". Molly Sweeney's new album is called Gold Rings and Fur Pelts, and listening to these songs I imagine also fur rings and gold pelts, animals that gleam in the woods. Think of a gold coin, and of its molecular bonds slackening; think of a gold coin falling apart, slowly, melting without heat. Think of a girl at a riverside or on a roof, the coins in her pocket blurring into the evening.
[Molly Sweeney lives in Montreal / I am not sure if she has a label / MySpace]
Javelin - "Oh! Centra". When Boris bumped into Luke on the street, Luke had told him about his new girlfriend. "She has legs up to here," Luke said. Boris had heard her name as "Sandra". Sandra, with legs up to here. But at Wednesday's Christmas party, Luke walked in the door with his sweetheart and Boris, clutching a mug of red wine, saw clearly that he had misheard her name. This woman was not Sandra. This woman was in fact Centra, aka the business district, aka downtown Brasilia, soaring with skyscrapers and buzzing with neon lights and garlanded by highways. She wore a sweater over her shopping malls. She had eyes like rotating restaurants. Boris kissed her on both cheeks. "You must be Boris," she said. Boris was very jealous of Luke, Luke in his overlarge hockey jersey. Centra had legs up to here.
Watch Michael Lukk Litwak's video for the Nocturnes' lovely song, "Cradle".
For a limited time, Dead Oceans is selling all of its 2010 releases for $5 at Amazon's MP3 store. Including excellent records by White Hinterland, the Good Ones, Frog Eyes and the Tallest Man on Earth.
Here is an exquisite poem.
Posted by Sean at December 23, 2010 12:28 PM