Connan Mockasin - "It's Choade My Dear". Like a slow jam for martians, tentacles carressing pustules, scarlet red and mint green. A Pink Floyd album rotates in another room, atop an off-balance record player. Vapours waft. The evening tastes of midnight, ice chips and tin. [buy this amazing, spectral record - thanks steve]
Birdie Hilltop - "Rosalia". If you record a song and then play it back, and then record this playing-back, and so on, and so forth, a hundred times, you begin to hear the room itself - its echoes, resonances, ringings. This was the principle of Alvin Lucier's "I Am Sitting In A Room" and this YouTube mimic. What Birdie Hilltop have done is to record a soft song and then replay it. And then perhaps they recorded it and replayed it one more time, or twice more. That was all. They did not transform this into a grotesque, a blur of ghosts. But they left space for the resonances and ringings: the dance of a voice around a room, the long trail of a whistled tune. [buy]
Vastly grateful to all those who have donated to our funding drive so far.
Posted by Sean at June 3, 2010 4:19 PM