Sandro Perri - "Futureactive Kid (Part 1)". Sandro Perri is a leaning genius. He sways, tilts, slips. His Tiny Mirrors was one of the best Canadian albums of the past ten years. It was easy-listening and also free, starry folk-jazz unfixed from precedent, metronome, physics. Impossible Spaces is his new record, and now his music is touched by humidity, 80s soft rock, dying young-adulthood. It recalls Richard Youngs, Bread, Bon Iver, Fleetwood Mac's "Sara". Hear squelching bass, snare, flirting synths, bass clarinet and horn. There are songs about "openness and solitude", transformation, the hesitating Wolfman.
For much of "Futureactive Kid (Part 1)", the music is nebulous, even gaseous, seething under Perri's straight-ahead. He sings like a singer, unobscure. But then he steps aside, lets prowl the guitar, crunch, low woodwinds. The song's beauty is a kind of illusion; there are more shadows here than lights. Not dawn, not dusk, these are sounds for the mingling greys in the middle of the night.
[If it's not already clear, this is an album of an album. Don't just listen to one song. Buy it from Constellation.]
When Saints Go Machine - "Kelly". If every song sounded like this, if every song was this good, we would all age faster, and be happier, and scowl less at the radio in the coffee-shop. We would stroll with our lovers, blissful, dying twice as quick. I am not sure whether it's our hearts that would go, or whether it'd be something at the cellular level. (I am not a scientist.) Just that we wouldn't be able to keep it up. Too much, too soon. Before we knew it, we'd hit the fade-out. [buy / thanks steve]
Love how these two fit together, a PB&J of a post.
Tiny Mirrors was one of a few on constant rotation for my summer 2008; this sounds like it might take over this winter?
Posted by Ryan at July 28, 2011 11:42 AMOh man, new Sandro. Excellent.
Posted by shane at July 28, 2011 12:27 PMIts been 4 yrs since Tiny Mirrors, which seems like an eternity. This songs makes the wait worthwhile. I am really, really looking forward to this album.
Posted by rgsc at July 28, 2011 1:51 PMThe first song makes me want to drive around in the middle of the night on empty streets.
Posted by Karin S. at July 30, 2011 7:53 PMkelly has been my song of the summer...
Posted by maureen at July 31, 2011 11:52 PMKelly is some sort of bright, shiny genius. I feel like my ears have diabetes. Amazing.
Posted by Craig at August 5, 2011 3:37 PMneither of these songs match, but the contrast of listening to one right after the other makes me love both infinitely more.
Posted by Sarah at September 4, 2011 5:49 PM