Avec pas d'casque - "Talent". As kids, our wishes are simple. For cake, for kittens, for magic wands. The wishes take on different colours as we grow older. For peace, for requited love, for two parents' reconciliation. As adults, some of us stop wishing. Not because we have stopped believing; there is still that slim chance that fate will hear our murmur, throw back an echo. No, we stop wishing because the wishes become so complicated. Our wishes become so complicated. Tu as ce talent, sings Avec pas d'casque's Stéphane Lafleur, You have this talent
for painting wolves without really knowing themI can't wait for Astronomie's release on March 20. Pre-order it now.
and you love people
in the same way.You, you have this talent.
You have this talent.
Lend me a little.
+ A sad farewell to the blog I (Heart) Music, which spent six and a half years being so generous, passionate and thoughtful about Canadian music. May the wind fill your sails, Matthew.
+ A reminder that I'll be speaking at Saturday's Polaris Record Salon in Montreal.
(Photo is of the first Paris air show, 1909.)
Posted by Sean at February 20, 2012 10:53 AMshame to see i(heart)music go. always such a sweet support – not just for me, but for our nation's music as a whole.
Posted by mark at February 21, 2012 12:02 PM