Look at the line above, the name of artist and song. Two places, two interchangeable proper nouns. A city in Lebanon, an Iberian bay or strait. One is the name of a musical act, the other is the name of a song. Try to forget what you know and then press Play. Listen to this song - this chunky piano riff, shaker and drumskins, the snake-snap of percussion. Beirut/Gibraltar. Which is which? Are Gibraltar singing "Beirut"? Are Beirut singing "Gibraltar"? If this song were water, what shade of water would it be? If it were a longitude, what longitude? Zach Condon sings a line of maybes, ambivalences, nothing Beirut or Gibraltar about it; names don't matter; forget the names, we'll forget them all eventually; never mind specifics; all that matters is whether, when it comes to the ending, we feel like we've found the right one. [buy]
Posted by Sean at October 12, 2015 11:48 PM